Archive for the 'main' Category

A little turbulence

Wednesday, January 18th, 2006

“Flight 1104 to tower. Come in tower.” “This tower, go ahead flight 1104.” “Tower, we are initiating emergency landing procedures. Our starboard engine has completely failed and port is down to about fifty percent. Currently at eighteen thousand feet elevation and falling at approximately fifteen hundred feet per minute. We’re vectoring for unpopulated groundspace, but […]


Thursday, January 12th, 2006

OK, here’s where things get tricky. Yesterday was, like, a day and stuff. It wasn’t particularly bad or good. Not too much out of the ordinary– I’m trying and failing to remember anything that might be interesting to an average reader. I suppose there aren’t too many average people reading this, but the rest of […]

Stamps, a book, and that plane again

Wednesday, January 11th, 2006

Once again it seems I’m posting Crusty-style– that is to say the morning of the day after instead of the night of the calendrical unit in question. I must admit it is a bit easier to spend a few minutes fresh in the morning typing up some thoughts than it is remembering at a ¼ […]

She wants her $2

Tuesday, January 10th, 2006

Those of you who didn’t rise with the sun this morning will realize that my goal of writing here daily suffered the first obstacle last night only by the date above. Of course, those of you who rose with the sun anywhere close enough to me to be affected by similar weather will still be […]

My Green Thumb
and red and black…

Sunday, January 8th, 2006

Ruth had to go somewhere this afternoon so Isaiah and I had some time to spend together. “Let’s do a father and son project,” he exclaimed “and let’s do it on the back porch!” The weather was amazingly nice here today. It was about 65° and sunny, so I kinda wanted to be outside myself. […]

The World’s Strongest Man

Saturday, January 7th, 2006

I don’t know why, but I love to watch the World’s Strongest Man competition. Three-hundred pound muslce monsters do things like drag a six-hundred pound chain twenty yards, lift a barbell with a whole motorcycle on each side instead of a sperical hunk of iron, or pull a sixteen-thousand pound semi-tractor. I have absolutely no […]

From Guns to Gavels

Friday, January 6th, 2006

I read a lot. I almost always have at least two books checked out of the library at one time, sometimes quite a bit more. These are, of course, in addition to all the books I own. I don’t buy many books, though, and most of the ones I do buy I get at the […]

The Day 6 Stretch

Friday, January 6th, 2006

Here I am at the sixth day in a row of daily posting. That’s super– what’s not so super is that this post is not going to be very impressive. Oh, well nobody can be stellar 100% of the time, eh? “No, Roger, they can’t,” I hear you say to the screen, “and we’re still […]

Gideon & stuff

Wednesday, January 4th, 2006

Recently Gideon has come around the bend on talking. For a while I had been wondering when he was going to start talking. It seemed like he didn’t talk as much as Isaiah had at the same age. He just didn’t seem very vocally inclined. This, of course, is no longer the case. He now […]

Foiled and Contaminated

Tuesday, January 3rd, 2006

My determination to return from the holiday and start the new year off right by buckling down to tasks at hand at work this morning got off to a decent start this morning about 9:15 am after checking all my email, greeting coworkers, a trip to the ice machine in the lunchroom, and a bit […]