
March 4th, 2005

Are you a bit surprised?

Did you expect to see the same old useful and very efficient but admittedly ugly page that has been at this location for a long time now?

The reason for this change is that in order for my host to make a certain configuration change I want, I needed to switch to a newer server with a better administration system. I should have done it a long time ago but I was hesitant for two or three silly reasons that I now regret.

Soon there will be a nice new format here. This plain vanilly WordPress theme will be replaced by a look and feel of my own design. I also think that the whole concept of this website will be reformulated into a more unified whole. All the old stuff will be archived and still accessible here, but will be stored away as a monument to previous eras.

So, hang on and hang out and soon I’ll be back to providing the same amusing, regularly updated content I used to crank out in the good old days.