Archive for the 'main' Category

FD 2K7 : Back in Business

Sunday, June 17th, 2007

Well, it’s been a long old time since I have written anything here, hasn’t it? I can think of no better time to try to return to a more impressive regularity like unto that of previous eras and therefore I hereby determine so to do. The reason I have not written anything is not because […]

Eagles and Blocklars

Sunday, February 4th, 2007

Our Saturday started a little earlier than usual. Not as much as planned, but a little bit. Our home town, Alton Illinois, is right on the Missippi River and over the past several years we have been getting a large number of bald eagles coming to spend the winter months in the area. When I […]

This may be the year

Thursday, January 4th, 2007

Well, this just might be the year! The year for what? Well, Y’know the year. The year that… uh, that things are… This might be the year that is the year! Perhaps it’s just a reassuring feeling from the type of unavoidable instantaneous snapshot of incremental development I (along with many other people) engage in […]

I’m 38

Saturday, September 16th, 2006

I celebrated the dawn of my thirty-ninth year (my thirty-ninth year begins with my thirty-eighth birthday, follow?) in a rather non-traditional manner. I suppose the only thing birthday-ish about it was the cake Ruth baked for me, but I’ll get to that later. The day started off when she asked my if I felt any […]

Summer is Over

Wednesday, September 6th, 2006

Isaiah started school today. The summer of 2006 is over. And so is the only first day of second grade Isaiah will ever have. I took the day off and I am glad I did. Ruth is the president of the parent’s club again, so my helpful presence was useful. Especially since today was not […]


Wednesday, June 28th, 2006

The door hath now closed upon the eighth of that annual memorial known as Father’s Day in which I could not only bestow the wishes appropriate to fathers I encountered during it, but also receive such wishes myself. Every year I have intentions of documenting and analyzing my experiences and thoughts on this day, but […]

Isaiah Goes to Camp

Monday, June 5th, 2006

I am jealous. We dropped Isaiah off at camp today and I have to admit I am jealous of him. He’s going to what they call pre-camp at the same place I used to go- Camp Neotez. We dropped him off this afternoon and we’ll pick him up Tuesday evening. He has stayed overnight at […]

First Mow and the Pagoda of Honor

Friday, April 14th, 2006

Today being so-called Good Friday, I had a half day at work. Time off is always good, especially when there is no quibbling about when the short day is over. It didn’t matter what time I got to the office today– my day was over at noon like it or not. They are building a […]

All the way seven

Monday, April 3rd, 2006

Isaiah is seven years old now. He’s grown into quite a fine young fellow, if I do say so myself. No, he’s not perfect, but neither am I and from all accounts I hear from those there then (both with reputable recollections and otherwise…) he is a better kid than I was. I suppose that […]

That’s my Boy!

Saturday, January 21st, 2006

I got a haircut last Saturday (I am still finishing the massive recounting of last weekend– my plan is to finish it tomorrow afternoon) and today was Isaiah’s turn. I was tied up with something till noon and we’d kind of planned to take him and Gideon by the barber shop on the way home […]