About a week after the beginning of the year we experience a major "network incident" of an unclear origin here at work. This incident, in the interest of security, required our network connection to run through the New York corporate proxy- complete with aggressive filter.
Now this filter, I was to discover with sizable disappointment, not only precluded the ability for anyone in this building to surf to all the general kind of stuff those filters block, but also entire domains like blogspot.com and geocities. I don't use those services so this didn't prevent me from maintaining my web empire, but many of the sites on my list of daily checks are. More than half are on blogger these days which is served from the blogspot.com domain.
It seemed like I was out of the loop in a couple of interest-based blog groups. Yeah, I could surf them at home, but it seems like everybody on the planet these days but my has broadband and a lot of these guys have pages that weigh a ton at 56k dialup so the connection was made even more tenuous.
Last Friday, though, we reestablished our own network connection. Evidently, there is still a filter in place (people have told me they still hit blocks sometimes) but I haven't hit a one and now all the links in my list are good!
It's like being out of town and returning to catch up on all the news with friends.
Posted by Roger at February 8, 2005 03:53 PM