August 27, 2004

A little dusty, but not lost

Well, here it is- RLW::THz back in action.

I figured if I'm going to start writing UHFs again, I might as well try to get back in the habit of writing THzs, too.

So here is one.

The goofy, weird image to the left is gone not because I decided to remove it, but because in the shuffle and confusion of tinkering with the CSS file for this page (I've since forgotten why I started tinkering with it in the first place) some things got modified without sufficient backups and now the image is just not there.

That's OK, though, because with my newly re-found motivation for writing has come another desire to exercise some creativity by developing a new and better look for THz. Perhaps something that even looks like it was conceived and developed instead of just cobbled together... We'll see.

In the meantime, please feel free to get back in the habit of checking here regularly- perhaps even more than once a day. UHF now is for the big one-a-day (but not necessarily every day) stuff and THz will be for the short, pithy couple-of-paragraph slices of life.

P.S. Please also note that I have installed a MovableType plugin called MT Blacklist which not only has removed the festering blight of comment spam that developed on poor old THz while it lay dormant and forgotten, but will help to prevent such blights in the future.

Posted by Roger at August 27, 2004 08:24 AM